On Company's 5th founding day
To CarWale Team: This was day we formally began our entrepreneurial journey.
I've been very fortunate to be here and to be part of this team- which I must tell you inspires me every day. You guys are excellent and I'm proud of your efforts to create a valuable company.
I enjoyed being at CarWale. Its part of life and its not a mere co-incident that both CarWale and my son Kanha were conceived at the same time. Of course, it was easier to launch carwale.com and we got it in4 months.
What you need most to start a company is a vision- which in crude form is an idea and in its larger form a purpose to contribute to this world. And the very next and the most critical ingredient to serve that purpose is the team. People who are willing to come togather, invest their time and are willing to resolve differences for a common goal.
Let me talk about and thank my friends who made the birth of this company possible:
A word on each of the founders:
Priya: I'm an entrepreneur by chance- It just happened that I found myself starting a company. Honestly without any plan to do it or even with a thought that we have some ability to do it. Priya was the one to support me and encourage me to do it and said "Mohit, you have the ability and you can run your own stuff." She supported me in all ways possible.
She was working with Care India then, a leading non profit organization and worked very hard for years to help us run the house, pay bills etc. She was the first investor at CarWale. and today, none of my day is actually possible without her support.
Then I met Arun and met him online. He sounded very intelligent and when I met him I realized he is actually so- his problem solving approach was superb- and i think it was refined with thousands of hrs he might have spent playing strategy games. Arun helped me put my thoughts around what the new company can focus on. We decided to do telemedicine- which could help us connect villages with district hospitals (that's for some other time). What I like about Arun is his sincerity and strong will to experiment. He thinks without a baggage and he can think out of box. All i want him to do more is to think more often and think for solving so many business problems that we face in general.
Gaurav: Gaurav was as flamboyant as you see him today. Very good to talk to and he can impress most of the guys and all of the girls in first impression. Gaurav joined where I was working earlier and therefor we could spend more time and he has been most committed to build this company. He likes to achieve and he is ever willing to learn. Gaurav, thank you for being there all these years.
Tufail: After Priya, I have spent my most time with Tufail- now i know him for last 12 years. We have been room mates for 2 years while we did our MBA in Goa. We had shared our lunches and dinners at least a thousand of times in last 12 years. When you eat together friendship grows and if friends can work together business grows.Tufail is a person who had kept the team together- he has been very very caring and thoughtful.
I'm sure Tufail- I gave you more pain than peace (& pleasure) in Bhopal- where we did not have enough money to manage even girl friends. I thank you much for pulling it off. Thanks for bearing with me and for your help and friendship in countless occasions.
Rajeev and Banwari:
CarWale would not have been CarWale without you two. I'm much indebted that you decided to join this company and have given us the best of your time, effort and emotions. I'm sure we will spend many more years together and will enjoy them even more.
Satish and Deepak, though are silent- but their contribution is tremendous. I salute your commitment-brothers.
One of the thing which made this journey difficulty for others- was my inexperience in running a company. I did not have enough experience as how to do it. In all my previous jobs, my role was too independent and I hardly got any guidance. I have learn everything in this company. I am still learning and I'm sure because i did not have so many answers- which you may have expected me to have- i would not have helped you much at times. I know things would have been difficult for you.
A lot has changed over last few years. We have grown as a team, we have some recognition and we have proven that we have the potential to make a great company.
Look around today and we have a great team. We have phenomenal talent.
Ashok, Avijit, kartik, Sameer, Edward, Jyoti, Bharati, Amol, Anand, Dipti, Anusha, Abhishke, Nancy, Anjali, Ajit, Jhonson and so many others: I admire you people for your talent and thank you for choosing to be part of this company.
We identified few things which are inherent to us. These values are something we live with.... and people who feel in sync with these values and will not compromise on these values, are the one we want to grow with.
1 We respect others and demonstrate care and concern in our behavior
2 We are agile and are ever willing to experiment & learn.
3 We put organization interest before personal position or interest
4 We take responsibility for our efforts & results and walk that extra mile to get things done.
I'm glad that the line between play and work has blurred for me and I'll work to achieve this for everyone of you at CW.
I've been very fortunate to be here and to be part of this team- which I must tell you inspires me every day. You guys are excellent and I'm proud of your efforts to create a valuable company.
I enjoyed being at CarWale. Its part of life and its not a mere co-incident that both CarWale and my son Kanha were conceived at the same time. Of course, it was easier to launch carwale.com and we got it in4 months.
What you need most to start a company is a vision- which in crude form is an idea and in its larger form a purpose to contribute to this world. And the very next and the most critical ingredient to serve that purpose is the team. People who are willing to come togather, invest their time and are willing to resolve differences for a common goal.
Let me talk about and thank my friends who made the birth of this company possible:
A word on each of the founders:
Priya: I'm an entrepreneur by chance- It just happened that I found myself starting a company. Honestly without any plan to do it or even with a thought that we have some ability to do it. Priya was the one to support me and encourage me to do it and said "Mohit, you have the ability and you can run your own stuff." She supported me in all ways possible.
She was working with Care India then, a leading non profit organization and worked very hard for years to help us run the house, pay bills etc. She was the first investor at CarWale. and today, none of my day is actually possible without her support.
Then I met Arun and met him online. He sounded very intelligent and when I met him I realized he is actually so- his problem solving approach was superb- and i think it was refined with thousands of hrs he might have spent playing strategy games. Arun helped me put my thoughts around what the new company can focus on. We decided to do telemedicine- which could help us connect villages with district hospitals (that's for some other time). What I like about Arun is his sincerity and strong will to experiment. He thinks without a baggage and he can think out of box. All i want him to do more is to think more often and think for solving so many business problems that we face in general.
Gaurav: Gaurav was as flamboyant as you see him today. Very good to talk to and he can impress most of the guys and all of the girls in first impression. Gaurav joined where I was working earlier and therefor we could spend more time and he has been most committed to build this company. He likes to achieve and he is ever willing to learn. Gaurav, thank you for being there all these years.
Tufail: After Priya, I have spent my most time with Tufail- now i know him for last 12 years. We have been room mates for 2 years while we did our MBA in Goa. We had shared our lunches and dinners at least a thousand of times in last 12 years. When you eat together friendship grows and if friends can work together business grows.Tufail is a person who had kept the team together- he has been very very caring and thoughtful.
I'm sure Tufail- I gave you more pain than peace (& pleasure) in Bhopal- where we did not have enough money to manage even girl friends. I thank you much for pulling it off. Thanks for bearing with me and for your help and friendship in countless occasions.
Rajeev and Banwari:
CarWale would not have been CarWale without you two. I'm much indebted that you decided to join this company and have given us the best of your time, effort and emotions. I'm sure we will spend many more years together and will enjoy them even more.
Satish and Deepak, though are silent- but their contribution is tremendous. I salute your commitment-brothers.
One of the thing which made this journey difficulty for others- was my inexperience in running a company. I did not have enough experience as how to do it. In all my previous jobs, my role was too independent and I hardly got any guidance. I have learn everything in this company. I am still learning and I'm sure because i did not have so many answers- which you may have expected me to have- i would not have helped you much at times. I know things would have been difficult for you.
A lot has changed over last few years. We have grown as a team, we have some recognition and we have proven that we have the potential to make a great company.
Look around today and we have a great team. We have phenomenal talent.
Ashok, Avijit, kartik, Sameer, Edward, Jyoti, Bharati, Amol, Anand, Dipti, Anusha, Abhishke, Nancy, Anjali, Ajit, Jhonson and so many others: I admire you people for your talent and thank you for choosing to be part of this company.
We identified few things which are inherent to us. These values are something we live with.... and people who feel in sync with these values and will not compromise on these values, are the one we want to grow with.
1 We respect others and demonstrate care and concern in our behavior
2 We are agile and are ever willing to experiment & learn.
3 We put organization interest before personal position or interest
4 We take responsibility for our efforts & results and walk that extra mile to get things done.
I'm glad that the line between play and work has blurred for me and I'll work to achieve this for everyone of you at CW.
At 4:19 AM ,
Kavita Jain said...
Dear Mohit
Its indeed heart warming to see your involvement, committment and concern with not only the business but also with the people who build this business together with you. Not many are seen to be doing that specially in today's time and ages. Keep up the good work!!
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